Tracks: Sub Items and Updates

Configure Sub-Items within Track Items

You can now choose to switch on the Sub-Item feature on a Track by Track basis.

Sub Items are useful for dividing up a main Item into a number of smaller pieces of work that can be assigned and tracked separately.

If you’re a Track administrator, in the Track settings page, you’ll find an option to switch this on.

Updates in Track Items

Now when you click into a Track Item, you’ll see that we’ve added an ‘Updates’ box at the bottom. Like other areas of pam, this enables you to see the recent changes that have been made within that Item.

We’re currently working on further improvements to Updates across the platform. Coming soon: the ability to use Updates as a full audit trail. Look back to find any change to a Track Item (or other Initiative) since it was created.

This update has been applied to the IL2/Official platform and will be applied to the IL3/Official Sensitive platform within a few days.

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