Essex PCC – one month on

essex pcc logoThe first few weeks of embracing a new way of working are always interesting ones. You have your moments of frustration as you get to know the new system you’re working with and then you have those wonderful eureka moments when it not only all falls into place but it starts to make real sense and parts of your job actually become easier as a result.

Essex OPCC began using pam, the powerful cloud platform, at the end of last year for a variety of services, ranging from correspondence to commissioning, from projects to performance, and risk management to relationship management. One month into using the platform, we asked them how they were getting on. James Hendy, Business Development at Alliantist, the team behind pam, said: “It been great to see how the Essex PCC team have really taken to using pam and to see how it’s become a part of their day-to-day working.”

Gwanwyn Mason and Katy Sparrow have been using pam for their public engagement work and Independent Custody Visiting Scheme: Katy said: “We’ve gone completely paperless now with our independent custody scheme recruitment process, replacing two filing cabinets of paperwork we previously used.” Katy was also keen to explain that without using one of pam’s unique features ‘Tracks’ she wouldn’t be sleeping at night!

The first month is obviously only the beginning but pam’s unique, personal customer service will work hard to ensure that Essex OPCC can excel in its goals and in its Police and Crime Plan priorities.

pam also has the Essex Community Rehabilitation Company and numerous other collaborators already working on the platform, alongside 50% of probation providers and 25% of police forces.

If you could benefit from a platform that can help your team work better together with comprehensive functionality and excellent value for money visit for more information. Or call 01273 704500 and speak to one of the team.



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