Enabling ethical walls for Probation

The Transforming Rehabilitation agenda is starting to heat up.  Probation Trusts that have decided to develop Mutuals and prepare their direct bidding capability have just a few weeks to create ethical walls between those teams and the day to day business.

pam is ideal for this initiative. It has unique permissions and visibility settings to ensure privacy, and rich capability to facilitate structured collaboration for the Trusts and their advisors involved in the Mutual development.  When the time comes, we also have bid management frameworks pre-built in pam that enable complex bids to be elegantly prepared and delivered. And pam is ideal for much of the in-life delivery too.

Whilst we cannot comment on which organisations are already ahead of the game, there are Trusts and other stakeholders that we have created new vehicles for to keep their Mutual work in an entirely separate environment.  As well as demonstrate completely ethical walls from the other Trust work in pam, it also enables them to build their future operating model now and use many of the pam modules as part of the delivery solution as well as the preparation and bid management environment.  Examples include business plan delivery, organisation collaboration, supply chain management, partner engagement and contracting, as well as multi agency service delivery in our new restricted pam IL3 environment.

To learn more about how we can help your organisation prepare for Transforming Rehabilitation, contact us now.

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