pam icons – why we’ve made the change…

Log into pam and you’ll see that we’ve updated some key icons.

The other day Dom, our CTO said to me “This is probably the biggest icon change we’ve made for a number of years!”. While it’s a relatively small change technically, it does have quite a big visual impact across the platform, so here’s a preview and a few details about why we’ve made the change…

New Initiative icons

Our aim was to simplify the design so that you’ll be able to tell them apart more clearly at a glance.

pam initiative icons

New Document icons

The new Document icons are more colourful. They also scale better so hopefully you can now identify documents by type more easily.

pam document icons

Other icons

You may have noticed that other icons around the platform are slowly being updated and made more consistent. Here are some we’ve done so far…

pam other icons

We’re always thinking about ways we can improve the design of the platform and we’re always open to feedback. Got any thoughts? Get in touch…

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