Risk Register and Treatment Plan


The Risk Register and Treatment Plan is a powerful Tool in pam which allows you to record and manage your risks, indicating their impact and likelihood, how you propose to treat them and any details of that treatment. Risk Registers can be created as standalone tools or integrated into other initiatives, for example, to track the risks relating to a specific project.


You may find that an Initiative you are working within would benefit from a risk analysis. For example, a project relating to Organised Crime Groups may use a Risk Register and Treatment Plan to plot risks which could disrupt the tracking of an identified group. Or, a project managing an ISO standard, may use the tool to chart risks relating to that standard.

Creating a Risk Register and Treatment Plan

To create a Risk Register and Treatment Plan within an Initiative, open the desired Initiative and click on the Tools tab as shown below:

No Tools In Academy Project

Then, click New tool usage and select Risk Register and Treatment Plan from the drop-down menu. You can then choose to associate a tool with the entire project or to a particular Phase, Deliverable or Activity. Once you are happy with the options, click Create new usage.

Associating tool

Give it a relevant name and click Save.

Tool Name Risk Register

Creating a New Risk

When creating a new Risk there are a number of details you can add in:

  • Type of risk - You can select Operation or Corporate; if the risks you are plotting do not fall in either category you can contact the pam people to arrange customisation of your dropdown list.
  • Risk status - State whether the risk you are plotting is currently Open or Closed .
  • Description & Reason - Give a description of what the risk actually is (e.g. not sharing data relating to an OCGs activities).
  • Potential Impact - Describe the potential impact on your organisation or team should this risk not be mitigated (e.g. - preventable illegal activities occurring which cause damage/harm to the public).
  • Current Likelihood/Impact - Select the likelihood and impact of the risk at the time of adding it to the register (these range from very low to very high)
  • Acceptable Likelihood/Impact - Select how high a likelihood/impact you are willing to accept from the risk.
  • Dates: Review/Reminder - Select when you would like this risk to be reviewed, and when you would like a reminder notification to be sent out.
  • Owner - Select the team member responsible for monitoring the risk.
  • Summary of action - Select the option that represents your action from the drop-down list (combination of actions, terminate, tolerate, transfer, treat).
Risk Details

There are also 3 three advanced details you can fill:

  • Value at risk - If possible at this stage, ascertain the financial cost of this risk if it becomes an issue.
  • Objective - Useful for linking risks back to objectives in external plans.
  • Obj ID - 

Management of a Risk Register and Treatment Plan

Once you’ve populated your plan with risks, you’ll see each risk plotted with a letter of the alphabet, if you click a letter, you’ll open all risk details next the map, and the treatment plan below it.

You can also view all of your risks in the table below, use the toggle buttons to swap between open and closed risks.

Risk Register Table

The functionality within a risk item is familiar from other areas of pam, you can: add notes, set tasks, upload documents, and start discussions.

Risk Functionality

The treatment notes also come with the extra function of clearly stating how you feel about a risk (i.e. happy, neutral, unhappy). This will plot a RAG icon next to that risk on the risk register.

Risk Treatment Notes

As you use these tools to manage your risks and change their impact and likelihood, you'll see details of these changes plotted on the History graph. This allows you to visualise the treatment of a risk over time compared to the acceptable likelihood and impact.

Risk History Graph


With the Risk Register and Treatment Plan as part of the initiative, all the members of that initiative will have access to the Plan. Therefore, if you want more people to be able to view the Risk Register, simply add them to the initiative.


Should you wish to change the name of your Risk Register and Treatment Plan, you can do so by clicking Settings (next to Team in the top right-hand corner), making changes in the text box shown above and clicking save.

Risk Map Settings

Need more help?

For more information on Risk Register and Treatment Plans, contact your pam administrator. Alternatively, for technical support, you can raise a request via the help section within pam or call us direct on 01273 041 042 or send us an email to support@pam-it.com.

Need further help? Get in touch...

Message us via pam, email us at support@pam-it.com or call 01273 041 042.
  • Sam Peters
  • Roy Crombleholme
  • Stuart Johnson